BREAKING FOR SUMMER - but watch for special pop-up events!

Mondays at 4:30 PM

  • Location: MVCC Gym

  • Led by: Rebecca Rosas

  • Contact: 503.984.9547

REFIT® is a dance cardio class open to all ladies high school aged and over.  We exist to build community through positive fitness and fun. We do a variety of clean songs (but we don’t sacrifice the fun!) and styles that are low to medium impact. All the dance moves are easy, and they can all be modified to fit. No previous dance skills are required.

College & 20's Small Group

BREAKING FOR SUMMER - will start again in the fall.

Mondays at 7:30 PM

  • Location: Men’s Dorm House - 431 Gatch St.

  • Led By: Takoda Egan

  • Contact: 503.989.9236

The young men in the Dorm House are hosting a fellowship group for young adults Monday evenings in their home. The evening is dedicated to building community, studying the Scriptures, and challenging one another to take their faith to the next level and into the world. Our desire is to foster a young adult group who can think biblically, are spiritually mature in their walks, and united in the purposes of Christ.